Monday, October 27, 2014

Edible Mushrooms

The first few days when we were setting up the garden I was pestering my mom by repeatedly asking one single question .. 'will there be mushrooms growing in the garden"?. I became a wild mushroom fanatic ever since I tasted a wild mushroom curry in my native village when I was very little. Our neighbors over there had foraged the nearby woods to collect a basket full of edible mushrooms and me and my siblings had a go at the curry for free.

Ever since then I wanted to do my own foraging for wild mushrooms,especially mushrooms with caps(I dislike all other forms of fungi).Sadly I never had a chance since there are no woods or fields nearby my hometown. And I am also aware of the risks in mushroom foraging. It is very hard to identify the edible ones without an expert on this field. My parents knew a few but with no wilderness around I have no chance at foraging mushrooms.

A few mushrooms that sprang here and there in our garden turned out to be non-edible ones
So I was hoping that with all the greens around the house we can expect edible mushrooms to grow. Mom and Dad constantly reminded me that woods are the best friends for mushrooms and edible ones do not grow in home gardens just like that.

I am very happy to share that the rarity happened last week after the heavy rains.My long lasting wish fulfilled.

Presenting edible mushroom from our garden
A few days back when I went for my regular stroll through the garden I was stumped to see some mushrooms growing and which closely resembled the ones my mom had described as edible.
What a lovely cap.
I immediately took some photos and called the entire house and proudly showed them.

My mom holding the picked ones. They are a little smaller in size compared to the shop sold ones
 Then I spent hours on the net and found that this mushroom type is called as "Termitomyces Clypeatus" .. Boy,it took ages to find that name.

There are only a very few that is springing so no chance for a good wild mushroom curry. These mushrooms shrink gradually if not used soon. But I am happy that they are there.
A close up
This is rainy season here, so hopefully I could witness some more of these mushrooms this year.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The flower parade

These days the flora in our garden have started flowering ..

Peral white 'Mullai' ..

Three roses :)

The color of this rose is actually blood red. Its slightly having a lighter shade in pictures

Dont you feel so refreshing when you see them the first thing in the morning?

Our new addition to the garden .. mesmerizing orange
My favorite snap of this post

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Very happy that our mornings have become so lovely and joyful.

P.S: This post participates in the Wordless Wednesday  forum.