Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The jewels in my garden

Over to the flowers.. they speak for themselves..

Hibiscus, a recent addition to our garden

Chrysanthemum still going strong

I think the panneer rose is still shy in front of the camera :)

Love the layers

Its comparatively small but cute no less.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Recent vegetable harvests

Being a relatively new set up, our garden's vegetable harvests were very limited for the past months and comparatively minimal to the greens it had produced. Micro greens from my garden had been abundant in supply and very satisfactory. But most of our vegetable plants had been attacked by mealy bugs and continuous rains leaving us only with very little .. and sadly in few cases just one. But hey, I have to showcase my failures along with successes too..

So here is a series of pictures that has a sample of each of our vegetable harvests...

Ladys finger plants were graceful to us and grew plenty of pods.

Brinjals weren't so generous. Many plants bolted due to mealy bugs attack.. Just one survived and made it to the plate.

Many greens from Radish but only one swelled at the root

Within a month of planting ridge guard produced a healthy and plump guard. It is still growing strong despite some pest attacks.
We have flat beans and chillies in the flowering stage now.. They are very healthy thanks to the recent dash of compost tea.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Corn - Harvested!

It is a joy to announce that this time our corn plants performed very well. It germinated on time, flowered at the right moment and gave a good harvest.

Sowed on : Sep 1st week

Soil : We grew it in the ground, so no additional fertilizers added; watered it plenty.

Flowered around Oct 2nd week:

Here is our first corn for the season peaking out slowly.

Harvested on : Nov 3rd week.What it lacked in quantity, it made it up with quality and taste.

There are still some more baby corns left in the plants. We haven't decided whether to harvest them as it is or to let them grow into maturity. I will update soon.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Chrysanthemum has always been one of my favorite flowers. They are a favorite for my mom and sister too. So of course our garden had to have them and we recently acquired three mums of different colors from the local nursery. Out of the three, the white colored chrysanthemum plant did not have any flowers nor buds when we bought it. Its been put in a new pot and hopefully they produce some new buds when spring arrives.

The below picture is of the traditional yellow one which costed around 25 rupees in the Sunday market. They had three flowers when we bought them and very recently it bloomed another single flower after it was put in the new pot. It still needs some more work to get it acclimated to the new soil.

Then here is the jackpot of chrysanthemums. Always wanted to own multi colored mums and again Sunday market had the answer to it. This one was purple & white colored and was priced about 50 rupees but I think it was well worth it. And I could see that the plants were in high demand too.

When I potted it, I was little careless and broke a side shoot from the plant. As per advice from mom, I planted this branch as well nearby the parent plant and it took life. Did not expect to have that quick a propagation from the mums.