Friday, March 27, 2015

Runner beans - Season finale

The runner beans harvests are over and the plants were taken down a couple of weeks back. I should say we had good harvests from them, though not plenty in quantity but good in quality. We had not intended to save any seeds (unlike what most gardeners do)since we had good number of seeds still left from the seed packet we had bought initially. But a branch that went unnoticed had these pods - well matured and already dried,perfect for seed saving. What a bounty from not looking carefully! 

Of course home produced seeds will be given the priority over store bought ones. We are planning to put these pods out in the sun for some more days to get them completely dried and then store the seeds.These will become useful when we start sowing again for runner beans during August. 

And also this the first time, I am witnessing the complete life cycle of the bean plants. Well, someone put it right when they said "In every gardener there is a child who believes in The Seed fairy".  Amen to that.

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