Thursday, September 24, 2015


When I and my father went for one of our usual plants purchase trip recently,I became very curious when I spotted an old lady vendor selling a few rhizomes. I initially thought it to be ginger but then she clarified that it is turmeric. I inquired why she is selling them now and that I have never seen them sold in market anytime before. Then she explained that August is the right time to sow turmeric rhizomes so that they become mature in six months and become available for Pongal celebrations in January. Ah.. I see the connection finally.

My father was skeptic and implored whether they grow well in the house garden. The lady mentioned it does but then again that is what any vendor's answer would be. Then we walked away. But my mind kept nagging and reminding that it would be really nice to have organic Pongal celebrations by adorning the pongal paanai with home grown turmeric plants. It took me sometime to convince my father.He was all game already but only cautious of any disappointed results after six months. Anyway we went back and got a rhizome for 10 rupees. We brought it home wrapped in a paper and left it in water for a day.
Then I prepared a small pit, filled it with nitrogen rich soil along with goat manure and my father auspiciously planted the rhizome.It took some time for the rhizome to sprout. It took almost three weeks and each day went by in anxiety and doubts. Finally when the first leaf came out, oh boy, what a beauty it is.

This is the fourth leaf and the plant is now a feet high. I just pray it puts a good growth and survive well.Personally, it is my first experience seeing a turmeric plant up close. I am floored by its beauty and how good the entire area looks with the arrival of this plant. It is no small thing when our ancestors said 'manjal brings prosperity to home'. Just having a look at the plant leaves us with a pleasant mood and happiness.

For those curious on how turmeric is used during Pongal celebrations, here is a picture from our archive. Tender turmeric rhizomes will be on sale during the Pongal festival, along with the upper leafy part and they are tied around the pongal paanai which will be then used to cook pongal.


  1. Nice. Around fifteen years back, I have had the same experience of planting the turmeric and getting it harvested for the pongal. However, the planted piece was got from the previous pongal celebration turmeric plant. :)

    1. Oh .. nice to hear. Did you have a good harvest that time ?


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