Saturday, October 10, 2015

Sunny side up

There is this saying which goes as " When was the last time you did something for the first time.."

Ever since I came across this saying I had been trying to do something different every now and then from my routine life. Gardening happened as one of my first try-outs and in the world of gardening, there are limitless things to try for the first time. Thus we had our first Sunflower last month.

The Sunflower seeds were more of an impulse buy when we were shopping for seeds and we never really expected anything out of it when we first sowed them. For a mere five rupees we had around 100+ seeds and so we were throwing the seeds here and there. Absolutely no extra care was given as we did not know much about Sunflower growing methods. Only thing we did was to check for mealy bugs but then these are kind of trap crops to check the bug infestation.

Around 10 plants took life and within a month we had the first bloom. We were in for a surprise as this is the first time I am getting a close up look at a Sunflower. The flower anatomy is so complex yet so beautifully pattered with such vibrant colors. I am very glad we took the risk of growing them.

The blooms are not very big compared to commercial cropping but the flowers' size suits our small garden very much. 

We were happily exclaiming how the center part of the flower resemble one of our kolam(rangoli) design. 
But not all of the blooms were perfect. Some are like this.. I could not seriously guess what made it go this way..
The first flower stayed for a week or so in good condition and then slowly started withering and became like this:

There are some more buds developing in the plants and so the garden is going to be colorful for the sometime now.

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