Monday, March 21, 2016

Rose pests

Though the rose bushes put on a good show in our garden, they are not exempt from the pest attacks. Few months back while tending to the rose bushes, we found a scaly sort of growth in their stems. Initially we thought it is part of the aging process of the stem as it looked like a brown coating that resembled the bark of a stem.

Later on a closer look and searching in the internet garden websites, found out they are indeed pests that are attacking the stems and are called scale pests.They suck the sap in the stems eventually leading to the death of the plant.The cure is to rub the scale pests off from the stem using a brush dipped in rubbing alcohol and then to employ a thorough neem spray.In extreme cases of infection,pruning of the damaged parts is the only solution.

We were too late in finding out all of this.Upon investigation of the rose plants,two were beyond saving stage and they dried up quickly no matter how much we rubbed off the pests and sprayed them.We could not do anything other than bidding adieu.
Three more plants were moderately infested and we are constantly cleaning up the scales as and when they appear.It is becoming very hard to completely eradicate them just by the rubbing and the spraying actions. We have already cut off many of the branches.
The problem with scale pests is that when you think you have completely eradicated them and saved the plant, within a month or two you find them again spreading and causing damage.It is becoming such a nuisance to handle them to be frank.
For now,out of those three plants, one has been completely saved by heavy pruning.The rest two are still in the danger zone and we are going to keep on cleaning until we find the correct time to completely prune the plant to save them.

Aside all of this pest worries, when you see the other healthy plants and the blooms I think it is worth the effort to help them.Their blooms are such stress busters and energy boosters

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