Thursday, October 20, 2016

All things green

It rained heavily here last night.The plants looked so fresh when I went for a stroll around.Of course the bandicoot had come and did some damage here and there.But when there are water drops still clinging on in the leaves and the flowers and fruits and the sun's rays reflecting on those drops, it really is a beautiful sight.

Here are a few or all things green from my garden this morning..

An announcement : With this entry I complete 100 posts here. Earlier I used to squeeze in atleast 4 posts per month but these days I couldn't afford the time and effort for doing the same way. So for now, am planning to stop posting here and do one garden post per month in my personal blog. I resolve to come back to this space again when I have time for doing full fledged gardening chores but for now this blog stand closed.BRB!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Methi experiment

A few posts back, I had written about my frustration on not being able to grow Fenugreek like before and about embarking on an experiment to reproduce my Fenugreek growing success in a very small scale. Well, I think I ought to post on update on that venture and here it is.

After so many unsuccessful attempts,I returned to the same technique that I used when I grew my first ever Methi(Fenugreek) plants two years back.So early August,I sowed some seeds in Cocopeat ( no soil added) and a little bit of vermicompost.
 Within a few days, most of the seeds germinated.So the seeds I used in my other attempts were viable.It could be the growing medium that was wrong in my failed attempts.
 Yes, looks like the soil was the problem.Cocapeat worked like a charm and within 2 weeks I hand a handful of fresh Methi leaves harvested. Since this is all a experiment I had only a very few leaves to harvest but the experiment turned out to be a great success.
Now I am on to recreate the same in a large scale so the harvests will be sizable to be used in the kitchen and I am happy that I finally found out what went wrong.Note to self:Methi needs really very loose soil.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Cucumber -- a first timer for us

We tried our hands at growing cucumber, a favorite of the entire family, for the first time this year.Cucumber were fuss free in terms of maintenance although we did have the instance of mexican cucumber beetle eating out the young leaf shoots and flowers.Sadly we did not have resolution to control them but they did not do major damage to the plants.Apart from this.we did not face any other problems and the plants started producing after a good two months of growing period. We had a modest harvest out of the three plants we grew, but these fruits were the freshest cucumbers I have ever tasted in my life.Some pictures taken then and now are here below for the record..