Monday, October 17, 2016

Methi experiment

A few posts back, I had written about my frustration on not being able to grow Fenugreek like before and about embarking on an experiment to reproduce my Fenugreek growing success in a very small scale. Well, I think I ought to post on update on that venture and here it is.

After so many unsuccessful attempts,I returned to the same technique that I used when I grew my first ever Methi(Fenugreek) plants two years back.So early August,I sowed some seeds in Cocopeat ( no soil added) and a little bit of vermicompost.
 Within a few days, most of the seeds germinated.So the seeds I used in my other attempts were viable.It could be the growing medium that was wrong in my failed attempts.
 Yes, looks like the soil was the problem.Cocapeat worked like a charm and within 2 weeks I hand a handful of fresh Methi leaves harvested. Since this is all a experiment I had only a very few leaves to harvest but the experiment turned out to be a great success.
Now I am on to recreate the same in a large scale so the harvests will be sizable to be used in the kitchen and I am happy that I finally found out what went wrong.Note to self:Methi needs really very loose soil.

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