Friday, September 5, 2014

The first post


This blog is mainly opened for the small garden that we have set up at our home very recently. The Tamil month Aadi is a favorable month for growing vegetables and that is when we started the garden in full flow.The blog is named 'Our edible Garden' and it needs a small clarification at this moment. It is aptly named 'our' because the garden is being maintained by everyone at home including the four and a half year old kinder-gardener. But the 'edible' part notates to only 90% of the garden as we wanted grow a set of ornamental flowering plants as well.. Will a garden be complete without a few rose plants? Absolutely our opinion.

I think gardening skills runs in our family through many generations. My great grand relatives were mostly farmers in trade and many lived very close to the farm fields and vegetable plots. And then even after moving to a work trade of the modern world, my father and mother maintained a garden and that too an edible one whenever it was possible. This was modestly helped by the company provided quarters residence system which comes with a small plot in the front or backyard for default. I can go on describing each of those gardens maintained by them but I think I want to save a few for the later posts.

So from now on occasionally we shall put some information on our method of gardening and the produce we had obtained. I will end this post with a picture of our yellow rose that I plan to call as 'Quick Bloomer'.Since it is the first one to produce a basal cane and bloom a flower among a set a four store bought rose plants.

The Quick Bloomer's first flower.

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