Saturday, September 13, 2014

What have we sown - Part 1

There is new life bursting everywhere in our garden and is quickly getting thickened up with green.

Radishes growing steadily. Although we don't see the bulbs forming yet, we are confident that they will show up soon. If not,there is this little consolation of the fact that we will atleast get good greens to eat.They are 30 days old now.

We had added a dash of plant nutrients to radish just this week so hopefully we get good results soon.

There are around 10 brinjal(aubergine) plants in our garden now and they are slowly progressing to grow. One particular plant is already in the flowering phase.Its first flower has not yet opened but may happen in a couple of days.

Lady's finger (okra) plants are a month old now and we can see the tiny flowers and pod formation in all of them.

We do have a little concern on a few of okra plants as their leaves are curling up and losing color but hope they put up a fight and thrive well with the new plant nutrients we have added.

We have also planted corn,tomatoes,chilies and beans too. I will add a part 2 to this post shortly.

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