Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A glimpse of the beetroots

Its actually more like a glimpse of the beetroot foliage to be honest. One of our favorite vegetable to eat is beetroot and more than the roots I like the leaves. The beet leaves taste delicious when they are made into a stir fry. 

Our first attempt to grow beetroots from the seeds bought from the Sunday market resulted in a naught. Not one seed germinated despite waiting almost for a month. Beetroots have the reputation of slow germination rate but a month is the maximum time to expect them to germinate.

Then we resorted to the brand company seeds and within five days all the seeds sprouted. But I made a big mistake of transplanting a few saplings when they were almost a month old. This decision to transplant was taken due to over crowding of the saplings in the pot but the transplantation was not a success.

Most of the transplanted saplings died or the ones that survived stayed the same size even after many days. Lesson learned and will be carried on to the next seasons.

The ones that were not transplanted are healthy and going strong.
The roots are beginning to form.

It is not yet time to pull the roots, but I am eager to harvest the leaves to make the stir fry. 

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