Thursday, June 18, 2015

Cleaning,Pruning and weeding out

"To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves." 
Mahatma Gandhi

Last month got a chance to clean one corner patch in our garden. This corner hosted one lone chilli plant that had come on its own and even gave 4-5 chillies. There were a couple of volunteer manathakali(black nightshade berries) plants too nearby it.But the residing ant colony in this corner never let the plants be at peace. And later on it became like this..

It was high time this corner get cleaned and prepared for the upcoming season.When I started cleaning it, I found this Veli mul(Prosopis juliflora) which is the most-hated weed on my list. In my opinion, this weed should be removed from all of our lands.It is very invasive and drinks water aplenty and does nothing good for the prosperity of the land. And so it was vengefully pulled up from the ground.

Then there was this good fortune of finding dried seed pods from the plants that you have grown. Than the seeds bought from the shop, the seeds obtained in this natural way is more effective and leads to good growth.

The seed pods that I found was completely dried and so they were duly collected and preserved straight away.

I will soon show a picture of what the cleaned up corner is currently hosting. Await this space.

On the other end, the December flower (Barleria) bush has stopped flowering by May and so they were trimmed and bound together neatly.

Since they are hedge plants they would survive well when tied together. Upcoming months will be used up by the plant to put in good growth and sturdy stems to start flowering in the winter.

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