Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Avarakai - End of season review

I am very hesitant to write this post since I think,as much I try, would not be able to convey exactly the great time we had while growing avarakai this year and the abundant harvests the plants produced for us.In 2014 we grew the kolikal avarai(a type of runner beans) in a container and we got around 2 kilograms of pods over a period of a month and the plant rested after that. In my mind I felt that was awesome.. but my mom kept saying that runner beans usually produce profusely and that 2 kg is nothing compared to a plant that is grown in the ground. I never thought I would see the proof of her statement in just within a year.

The purple and green avarakai plant seeds were sowed on March 2015 way early due to my ignorance of the plant's season and life cycle.We had much trouble in protecting the plant until they got to the flowering stage.Watering regularly and wading off the pests took forever till we came to November when the plants started producing flowers. Then there was December's heavy rains and along with it came a swarm of caterpillars.Wading off and protecting the plant against the caterpillar attacks was the most difficult task we ever encountered while growing this plant.I recall a particular morning where mom and I were in the terrace fully drenched in the rain showers but trying to cut off the old leaves off the creeper to avoid further caterpillar infestation.We weren't bothered by the rain as we knew that if we leave the old leaves on the infestation might grow and then the plant might succumb.
Early days and pest attacks in December
Thankfully January arrived and the harvests started. And there was no stopping until very late April.We had harvested over 35-40 kilograms of pods. We could use only so much in our kitchen and we gladly gifted most of them to our neighbors and dear friends. A unanimous feedback we heard was how delicious the pods and beans tasted.
Just a sample of the harvest
Ready for a curry
The last days
This was a growing experience that I had not expected when I sowed the seeds and I am eternally grateful for the bountiful harvests.It certainly motivates a home gardener to step in further and grow more. And what more, as a family we had great fun growing this climber and we were really proud for hosting them in the garden.

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