Friday, June 17, 2016

Garden update

Let me show some of the veggies currently growing in the garden,not many in this hot summer and I have already shared the progress on the bitter guard plant that is thriving.So off to some slow ones ...

Ginger slowly starting..It has given four more leaves since this photo was taken and a new sideshoot has come up..

Purple chillies which are gradually becoming omnipresent in the ground garden .

I know this is not a vegetable but let me show it anyway --Sugarcane plants that are slowly progressing.The stumps from the Pongal Sugarcane purchase were buried half inch in the ground around January end. This is the progress for four months..We do have another plant growing that is nearly 3 feet tall but I forgot to take pictures of it.

Ladies finger in the container garden..We had only very less produce from the five plants.So they were taken out around June start.Pictures taken in May end

We have one more ladies finger plant that is growing in the ground garden and doing well for now even in this hot horrid summer.Thank Goodness!

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