Sunday, July 17, 2016

A visitor in the garden

Got this little guy from the weekly Sunday market.It has been my long time wish to add some decorations to the garden and I was secretly looking for a crane statue without giving out the idea to others.When I saw this cute clay rabbit doll, I was elated at how perfectly he fit my wish.
This purchase also fulfills my another resolve to procure local goods as much as possible.These dolls were sold by a very old man who was sitting idly without making any sell and it was almost mid afternoon and we were his first customer. This rabbit doll costed only 25 rupees and when we handed the money without any haggle I could really see the happiness he felt in making the first sell for the day.
We could not come home without getting this dove couple along.They cost only 10 rupees but brightened up the rose bush by millions. 
Aren't they both cute? 

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