Saturday, July 16, 2016

Planting some methi after a long time

After a glorious success growing fenugreek/methi in the first year of gardening, we did not see one bit of the methi leaves in the second year. At least 250 grams of methi seeds were used but all died without giving any true leaves. We do not use them as micro greens in our cuisine so our wait to see the true leaves always end in vain.

This year I planted few seeds twice already and they had the same fate as last year. Now after a long thought process I decided to try the same way we grew them when we first planted them back in 2014.Ditching the soil I took some cocopeat and put in some seeds and added a single layer of vermi compost and watered them with a sprinkler.

The container used is very small so not much of leaves could be harvested from them but I want to atleast see whether the plants give out the true leaves in this set up. This is a sure shot method of growing methi and if true leaves do not come in this set-up then the blame is on the seeds and we will gladly exclude the watering/container/compost/soil excuses. The seeds we use are the ones we get from the supermarket.

Let me wait and see what happens this time..

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