Friday, July 3, 2015

A couple of show-offs

I am calling them show-offs because that is what they are - to show-off that we too grew brinjals in the garden though they were not much useful in the kitchen.Six plants that were transplanted on February went on to produce (literally) hundreds of flowers but just two brinjals. 

Flowers shrinking due to lack of pollination
I am certain of the reason for this harvest failure.. Lack of any pollinating agents.Hand pollination rarely works in the Brinjal plants and even these two fruits formed only after many hand pollination failures. 
Finally one that decided to peak out

It would have grown a little longer if left, but we plucked it at this stage
The other one in the adjacent plant
Surprisingly this time we did not have any pest menace(touchwood). The first attempt went down the drains due to mealy bugs attack.And yet, still the second attempt at growing brinjal has also not worked out for us. And frankly we are very hesitant to try growing Brinjal in this Aadi season. Maybe we both are mutually exclusive gardening vise.

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