Tuesday, July 7, 2015

A surprise addition to the garden

When I went home a couple of weeks ago, there was a surprise waiting for me. It is the sight of three small ginger plants growing up in a cozy corner nearby the curry leaves plant and hibiscus tree. I had to clear my doubt immediately and ran to my mom and confirmed that gingers just don't rise all on its own. My father had indeed planted(threw to be precise) some (quite old) ginger bulbs that he found in the kitchen. 

Little did they know that I had a plant wishlist and ginger is one that I had longed to have in the garden. I even tried cutting some bulbs from the store brought ginger and inducing it to put on a shoot by placing it in sandy soil but it had never worked for me. My father sure has a green thumb. 

In case you are wondering, yes the big rocky thing is the seed ginger
I, on my part, added a nice little fence around the growing bulbs using a small plastic carton. I removed the base using a hot knife and filled the set-up with compost+red soil+sand mixture. Looks like the plant loved the set-up as it had given few more new shoots. 

Nice lush growth already

Third ginger plant a little far away from the above two
It is a long wait now.. as ginger takes around eight months to mature for a harvest but heard that it's foliage adds an ornamental value to the garden on it own. So thats an added bonus in the process.

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