Friday, July 17, 2015

How organic...

... we are willing to be while gardening ? 

Well here is an instance where we indulged in a fun and useful activity to create wood ash for the plants. Wood ash is rich in potash and also acts as a natural pesticide against most insects and ants and really a very rare thing to come by if you ask any gardener.And to add the fact that I love playing with fire, I pestered my mom and dad for DIY wood ash session.

So we fetched the mud stove that we take out only during Pongal celebrations and gathered some coconut shells and had a gala time making wood ash. My dad assisted me during the whole time helping me not to put out the fire(which was a humongous task I should say) and me & mom sat and chatted and enjoyed the warmth while the shells burnt thoroughly to give the ashes.

We used the ash only after a day's cooling , so the actual application of ash on the plants were not recorded. Anyhow, I am planning to do this set-up often, so I will take some photos during those times.

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