Thursday, November 26, 2015

Hiya .. Avarakais' are here again:).

Last march I was too enthusiastic while planting french beans that I planted some flat runner bean seeds as well.. Only after they sprouted and took life that I came to know that avarakai plant does not go into reproduction all through the year. It is a short day plant and requires fog and humid to start flowering.

And thus our journey started in giving a suitable living place for the creeper all through that scorching summer. Everytime we doubt ourselves on the use of maintaining a big creeper that occupies most of the place I used to request to wait until at least September as I had read somewhere that some runner bean creepers flower in Sept-. In the meanwhile there is the task to fend off pests and then guiding the creeper to climb up the terrace.

September came and I saw a single branch of flowers but soon they were gulped by a hoard of caterpillars. And then there were no flowers.. small buds would form and dry up or get eaten by the pests. Thus went another two months spent in wading off the caterpillars. Along with that,every often we found out new and young shoots been clipped off and eaten by something and we were never able to find out the culprit.

All in all a tough 8 months and then finally the season arrived this november and the plants started flowering .. Oh! what a joy and relief in seeing some results for all the anticipation built regarding them. These recent days,the leaves are greener than they have ever before and looks lively. I think they liked this rain and the foggy winter in the late evenings. And a lot more flower branches are visible.. So finally something to rejoice about!
Most of the shoots eaten up - Pic taken in Sep
Climbed till here from the ground
Yes, it is difficult to track the main stem and the roots

The purple stem hints that it is a purple avarakai

The green stemmed plant with green avarakai

Just born :)

New promises

New promises
A purple avarakai in sight
It feels like such an accomplishment when I saw those little pods. We harvested just two pods for now and waiting for the rest to grow. Will I ever do the mistake of planting off season ? Probably I will but I'll wait till late June atleast next time :).

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