Friday, November 27, 2015

Snake guards

Finally here is one creeper that we planted right on season. We have a total of 4 புடலங்காய் /snake guard plants that survived out of the seven seeds sowed in late August. Flowering started within a month and fruiting started in late October. We have harvested two snake guards till now and waiting for three more that are still in the growing phase..

Than writing about,the pictures will tell us what a lively greenery they provide us with..

No trellis provided..they climbed their way hugging the wall

Up,up and up they went

What a pretty and unique designed flower..

The first fruit..

The second one..Oh yea, the fruits tend to wind in a circle ..

So how did this third one end up straight as an arrow?

The trick is to tie a little stone at the end to straighten it..

More fruits forming

New promises
P.S: By the way, this is our garden blog's 50th post this year. So Yay to that :)

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