Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thulasi/Holy Basil

Considered a sacred and holy herb, the aromatic plant Thulasi(Ocimum tenuiflorum) can be easily propagated via seeds. And that is how we did it. My sister in law brought us some seeds that she procured from the plant that is growing in her terrace. We had never hosted a Thulasi/Holy basil plant in our garden ever before and so thought of doing a trial run in one of the terracotta pots lying around.

Seeds were sown on 6th August and no other care given to the plant except for regular watering and making sure the soil surface is always moisty. The potting soil was only a mixture of red soil with little manure and the pot was placed in a semi shaded area.I did not really sow the seeds ..The seeds were so light and thin and felt almost like rice husk.Hence I just threw them over the soil and left it as it is without covering with a layer of soil.
Germination of Thulasi/Holy Basil Leaves
The husk like seeds that are yet to germinate,lying all around
The ones that survived
A good rains' drench now and then
Branching out
Very recently the plant started flowering.I was in for a surprise for I have not seen a thulasi flower up close till now. The tiny little purple flowers are mesmerizing and so is the aroma coming from the leaves. Just a finger's touch on the leaves, leaves you with a lingering aroma for a while. 

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