Thursday, February 18, 2016

Bush Beans harvest

Bush bean seeds that we sowed during Christmas weekend have given us a good harvest. From around 10 plants we had the below pods harvested.
Bush beans are really a fuss less plants.They do not need any maintenance during their growth period (which is just one month) and start yielding promptly once they have grown a half foot high. This certainly makes them my favorites in the gardening department. The only drawback is that there would not be any lengthy harvest seasons. At the max each plant give around 10-12 bean pods (for poor quality seeds like what we had sowed) and then slowly die. If someone is able to secure good quality seeds then they are sure to get a bumper crop. We are yet to get our hands to some quality seeds when it comes to bush beans.

We had around 10 plants sowed and the pods harvested came to around 500 gms. They were collected from the plants during a period of two weeks.My mom made a delicious sambar with the beans that were harvested and it was surely something of a treat from heaven. I think the extra taste is brought from the freshness of the home grown products.Next time I am sure I will sow more number of seeds as they hardly take up space as well.

Some people recommend radish as the first choice to grow for the newbies in the field of home gardening. But in my experience radish is a good crop to start with but only if you have secured good quality seeds.On the other hand I would happily recommend Bush beans to anyone who wants to start gardening and see quick results..for even with poor quality seeds there will definitely be a modest amount of harvest and that too within just one month.

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