Friday, February 19, 2016

Its tomatoes season again!

This time we did not sow the tomatoes seeds for the new season. Instead we resorted to the weekend market where they sell vegetable saplings and got around 10 tomato saplings for a mere 10 rupees. As the vendor suggested I simply split the bunch into two and potted them in two pots. And that was in early Jan. 

The saplings took to the new soil very soon and sometime around the end of Jan gave out tiny flowers. Since they are in the terrace there is no problem with pollination and we soon we saw tiny tomatoes.

And on close look, I spy atleast three varieties among them.One is the heirloom variety which is very hard to come by and am grateful we got it.
Another one looks like pear tomatoes.There is also the hybrid variety which we call as Bangalore tomato.

The tomatoes are still small and it will be week before they are ripe for harvest.There are still more flowers coming out.. so looking forward for a good harvest season!

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