Sunday, February 21, 2016

Our daily dose of stress-buster

The chrysanthemums are going very strong in the garden.One thing I liked the most is that the chrysanthemum flowers that bloom stay fresh and open for a longer period compared to any other flowers. For a month now, each morning we have a lovely sight treating us - the white and yellow chrysanthemum blooms.What a stress bust it is!

Although there are plenty available on the plant,we had been plucking only an odd number or two for our use everyday, what with the jaathi malli and hibiscus and barleria and kanakambaram also blooming. So most of the chrysanthemums are left in the plant itself as there is no worry of them withering off any soon and there are a lot of buds still yet to open.

This weekend we decided we would make a garland and sourced some additional flowers from the plants .. and here it is neatly tied together by my mom.

I am yet to learn to make a flower garland and I admire my mom's handiwork on these flowers. I feel they are exquisite.

The rest of the flowers sourced for the day were also tied into a neat bunch and my niece wore it to school.

The roses are doing a good job as well and I will soon post some pictures of them.

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