Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Jaathi malli - End of season review

The jaathi malli vine in our garden is now two years old. Its flowering season is usually during the autumn and the blooming time is in the evenings.Ours is the unusual white variety which I was not familiar to at all until I saw the first flower..for usually the jaathi malli flowers are brownish purple in color. I started liking our white variety and it became my favorite very soon.

During its second year,the vine has picked up vigor . We had a good time harvesting the flowers and looked like our vine likes the rainy days the most,since that is when the flowering season started.I could not take pictures of the flowers on the vine as it was very tricky to photograph from the corner in which the vine is located. So I had attempted to take pictures of the harvested flowers..just a little bunch for a sample.
 The vine averaged to around 50-60 flowers per day for over a month..then they slowly reduced to the forties.Their fragrance very strong,very typical and unmistakable of this particular kind of jasmine flowers.

Somehow by a stroke of luck, we were able to propagate a new plant from the vine's side shoots, transplanted it around last Jan and now the new one has started flowering too.. but just one on every other day.This propagated one was mainly brought up to serve as a back up so we are happy to get anything at all from it.

Overall it was a good season for them and we are inspired to nurture them more once the avarakai branches come down.Especially the white color of these flowers are so mesmerizing when looked at from a distance with their green background.

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