Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Carrots and Radish

Our attempt at growing radishes met with moderate success this time.

Look who is peeping..
Just recently we harvested a bunch of radishes which were of various sizes, two of them being very sturdy and stout compared to others.

The seeds used were from the local market. For the third attempt I think we most probably will acquire seeds from the town seed shop and use it, aiming for a better harvest. But still compared to our first batch, this one should be considered 'anything is better than nothing'.
An aerial view of the radish leaves..
While radishes were still elusive to us in terms of good harvest, we struck gold in our first attempt at growing carrots. As anyone who had grown a carrot says, it is very easy to grow them provided the soil used is very rich and loose and sandy.

1 month old carrot plants
We grew our carrots in a small plastic container.As this is our first ever time, we did not want to take risks by planting them in big containers and leaving chances for over/under watering effects or fertilization problems. As a result of using a small container, the carrots were also very small in size,yet suitable as a snack now and then.
The moment of truth

It can't get any fresher than this
We are picking the carrots as and when we feel like it ; there are still a bunch left to be harvested. Unlike the carrots available in shops, the home grown ones are definitely sweeter and certainly the freshest. It is yet to be experimented whether carrots grow year round in our hot climate(especially during the upcoming summer days).But we are determined to try our best!

P.S : I had scheduled this blog post to be published this Tuesday. Meanwhile we had already harvested the entire batch and had it as a nice evening time snack this weekend. The plants are already 2.5 months old and we did not want to leave it to any chances like our onion harvest.

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