Wednesday, February 25, 2015

New Beginnings

It is time to plant the next set of veggies for the upcoming season. We have planned to grow tomatoes,brinjals(eggplants), two varieties of beans (french and broad) and a few other short term plants. The main criteria used for the selection of vegetables is this : simple and easy organic gardening.

When growing the plants directly in the land, the only thing required is to sow the seeds and take care of watering the spot regularly.But when it comes to container gardening, most of the times the seeds directly sown in big containers do not take life. The main reason could be water logging, since the saplings will be very small and the roots will get drenched and drowned if over watered. Too little water and the plant dies. Hence it is preferable to get the seeds germinated in small pots and then once it grows to a height suitable for the big container, then transplant it.

So over the last few weeks, we took this task to completion. The first step to ensure good harvests is to solarize the potting soil by leaving the soil spread in the terrace(or wherever possible) exposed to sun for at least a week.We had a tub of home made compost that was just about done and ready to be mixed with the soil.This compost too was let to dry for the full week along with the potting soil.

Compost 'cooked' to perfection
On the other hand,we had the saplings growing in small boxes(mostly the small curd tubs) in the front yard. The potting mix used for germination was coco-peat+vermi compost mix.

The germination happened very quick since we had the ideal climate. The saplings were then checked often to ensure they had even moisture.

Once the soil solarization was complete, the compost was mixed with the potting soil and then filled in the selected containers. They were watered well and left overnight to let the soil cool down completely. 

The next morning, we took the saplings to the terrace and placed them in their new home.

As you can see, the saplings have grown well and it is time to take them out of their small home.The technique is to gently tap the sides of the box and pull the saplings out.They would come out as a whole along with the soil as if they are glued together.Then put them in a plate and separate them into individual plants.

My mom is the mastermind behind the planning and planting(evidently as seen in most of the pictures).I merely helped and executed her instructions carrying the pots and doing the mixing and such stuff. My sister and dad too spent few hours in the activity whenever possible.
Apart from the joy of growing, it was splendid to have spent a passionate time with my mom and family doing the things we all love to do.

Now all that we have to do is wait for the plants to conquer their new home and reproduce well.

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