Sunday, February 22, 2015


The chillis have started producing fruits now. Since they were planted directly in the land and we do not have a good quality soil,it is been a long struggle growing them. The main problem faced was the leaf curling which occurs when there is a calcium deficiency in the soil. This was rectified by using a dash of lime stone dissolved in water.

We faced aphids attack and rectified it by using wood ash.

We have a total of six plants growing in the garden but only two are producing fruits and the rest are still to recover from the leaf curl effect. I do not have high hopes for them as I suspect they are damaged beyond help. But what is producing is producing well.

Surely the next batch of chillis will be grown only in containers.Now that the weather is changing and daytime temperature is raising I am sure our next batches will come out with a zing.Fingers crossed!

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