Thursday, February 26, 2015

In progress

Let me post some information on the currently growing crops and herbs.

The tomatoes have picked up the pace of fruiting now and every other day we find new fruits peeping out.

The 'trial' french bean plant has formed nice and shapely pods. This is the first time we are growing organic french beans at home. I do not know about the other varieties but this french bush bean variety has produced pods within a month of germination. That is REALLY fast and quite suitable for a household like us.

We have already picked the pods as it is important to pick the beans when they are tender. Once a pod reaches full maturity it is suggested that the plants stop producing any more pods since it has attained its goal .ie. a successful reproduction.

Having met such a success in a very short time, now we have sown the next set of bean seeds in two containers and they have germinated too. So as per calculations in approximately a month we might have a bountiful french bean harvest.

I had earlier posted about planting new Mint cuttings. The newly planted cuttings have taken very well to the soil and showing good promises in terms of new leaves.

Now to the not-so good news. Our cucumber plant was thriving until it formed the first fruit. After that the plant stopped producing anymore flowers and this small fruit also seems to have stopped the growth. I had a very careful inspection of the plant and they are no pests in the leaves or near the roots. The soil is well watered and drained and provided with compost often.

We have to wait and see how things turn up .. whether it withers or thrives is up to Almighty now.But I hope they dont become yet another one-fruit casualty.

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