Monday, February 23, 2015

Rose Gallery

We recently acquired two new rose plants from the weekly Sunday market. The white rose is something that I had longed to own for a long time now and happy to find a very healthy and bushy plant(compared to the other plants in the shop) for twenty rupees.

This plant already had two flowers in it with a couple of buds that were yet to open and a lot of new branches.

The second one is a plant that produces double colored roses(yellow and orange).This plant's flowers seem to be (light)yellow colored on the first day and if left overnight, it turns into a dark yellow rose
with bright orange color near the petal ends.This too cost us twenty rupees but the plant was rather skinny with just one branch.But on closer inspection we saw lots of minute basal canes peeping out. Since we now know the secret to motivate growth in rose plants, we immediately bought it.

I had mentioned before that we had allotted at least 10%  of space to grow ornamental plants in our garden and retaining 90% to grow vegetables. We have a handsome corner in our front yard which is very suitable for placing the containers which hosts the rose plants.So the new ones have been put in nice big containers and added to the lot in the said front yard corner.

Okay, the secret I mentioned above in growing rose plants is this - adding regular dose of Panchagavyam(PG) and Epsom salt. Earlier we were ignorant of the ways in getting the rose plants to produce new shoots and buds. But after getting to know about Epsom salt and PG, now we were able to increase the blooming period and induce new shoots in them. We have rose buds forming and blooming almost non-stop for the past six months. For instance, I am proud to present a glimpse of the yellow rose 'bouquet' that is currently decorating our front yard.

Now a year before we would not have even imagined expecting 6 buds from a plant for a season(in total). Now to have 7 flower buds per branch is well beyond our imagination.

With regular application of Epsom salt and PG we see that not only the quantity of buds increase but also the color of the roses improve.

Even the size of the buds are much bigger than they were before.The hues in the red rose is much pronounced now.

We certainly owe a lot to Epsom salt and PG. As long as they are available readily in the market we are all set in the rose department.

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